So, the past two weeks have been all about acclimating a 3 year old to the island, the house, and getting her started in a preschool. Lots of big changes all around...for us, and for her. Have to say, I think she loves it here. As my neighbor, passing by on her morning dog walk said, 'I think she is going to be an island-girl!' And, it seems likely. Her favorite things are: the ocean, the ocean, the ocean (1st, 2nd & 3rd place...for all the things one can do in the water, around the water, and just looking at the water), the golf cart, the sand, palm trees (she helps water) and the hammock swing.
Our very good friend who we spent a lot of time with some years ago was also here for a 2 week visit, and just returned back to WI yesterday. It was wonderful to have him here, and easy to host him also. I wouldn't even call it 'hosting' as he very much took care of himself, and even helped us out in many ways. How many guests fix the toilet for you? How many also take an active role in helping out with a 3 year old? Sofia got so she gave Denny every broken thing, and eventually started saying, 'give it to the doctor; he'll fix it. So, we sometimes called him 'Doctor Denny.' He brought several kites with him from a famous kite shop in Lake Geneva, and spent several days trying them out--even a special small kids' kite for Sofia which he taught her to fly. Although most of the kite flying was done just down the path outside our door, we found the perfect spot to fly kites on Denny's last full day here. During his time here, we explored so many beach areas, did some shell and coral hunting, enjoyed his sand-castle building efforts, and just generally enjoyed his company and conversation. More fun pics later...
It brought back so many good memories, as we shared accommodations with D some years back, when he lived at and helped manage our B&B in Columbus. He is so perfect in that role, and maybe...who knows?....we could enlist his help down the road here, as we venture out into possible B&B territory once again. We hope he comes back soon....and all 'signs are favorable!' as the saying goes on the 8 ball.
Here is Denny showing Sofi how to fly a kite; there were many attempts with several kites.
we found the perfect kite place on his last day.
more pics of that soon. Also, spent many fun days around the island, at the beach, in the water...
the little pail was a big hit.
So, chiquitita is in preschool here Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba. Kinder uno (there are Kinder dos, & Kinder tres, before graduating to 1st). I'm learning a lot also, but probably not as much as Sofi, who is having the true cultural and language immersion experience. She is already acquiring a nice vocabulary, after just a week and a half... the colors, numbers, and various items. More about her school experiences later... pics also...
luckily, her teachers remind her of mommy (esp the hair) so it helps make the transition easier.
For me, to be on the other side of the ESL experience, having been a former ESL and Bilingual teacher in US, this is a remarkable experience for me to share with her. Our own kids did a kind of immersion learning experience a little over 20 years ago, while we were teaching in NE China. So, it will be nice to compare experiences and enjoy the ride.