An appropriate time to post some photos, as we think ahead to renting...
In fact, we just offered a week's stay as a donated item in a local Leukemia/Lymphoma Society Fundraiser. It was the top item, and received the highest bid, so happy for that. Congratulation J & B.
We will continue using the upstairs for ourselves, friends, and family. But, our goal is to finish the house next door, and move over there, so this will become more available, and hopefully, profitable!
The house is set up perfectly, with two almost identical units, up and down, for a rental.
The downstairs is currently rented to a local boat captain.
The upstairs will be available to rent by the week or the month, but mostly short term, as we also want to use it for guests and family (and ourselves, until the next door place is ready.)
Upper photo shows bedroom with king-sized bed, dresser with mirror, lovseat, and beside tables.
Bathroom (large, walk-in shower) is to left, right off bedroom, and private balcony is to right.
In the closet is a TV with cable (Cablevison...most Mexican channels, but some US also).
Below is kitchen, showing island with stools, stove and cupboards above, all well-stocked.
Sink and other counter is off to right (under the casa colibri' pic). OH--and there's Wi-Fi, Internet.
Here's the view you can see from sitting ont he patio. awesome. never tired of this.
At night, although you cannot see the Cancun lights, you can see the lightouse lights, and the lights of cruise ships, or other ships out on the open Caribbean.
The path to left is well used, as walkers, dog walkers, sightseers, etc., venture down to the cliff's edge.
The pathway then runs along the seafront, left toward Colonia La Gloria and right to the end of the island, or Punta Sur, South Point. It is an astonishing view, and reminds us of the coast of Maine, where we lived for a short time, in Winter Harbor, Acadia Nat'l Park (in Navy days of Sr. Ruinas).
We love walking down to southern point, easternmost point of Mexico, where you can see the sunrise 1st in all of Mexico. Not far from Cuba, and someday, we hope to venture there.

Another view from patio, our favorite place to sit, and have a drink, day or night.
Come to Casa Colibri' and enjoy a stay. For only $60/night, 3 day min., has to be the deal of Isla! Will post more pics soon...
See our facebook page: