This is a photo I wanted to use, since last year!, when I went around photographing old interesting places around the countryside. It was around Memorial Day, as we were doing our 'cemetery rounds'
and this isn't a cemetery where we have anyone, but it's nearby (between Fall River, WI and Randolph, WI...where there are many 'Hollanders' and so perhaps I 'll spend more time looking at headstones there, as they could be very historic and interesting. In my local cemetery, we have many Civil War heroes from the famous Iron Brigade.
Decorating graves, and going to cemeteries is still done around here, as Memorial Day still takes on its former existence as 'Decoration Day' when remaining family members go around and put flowers on all their ancestors' graves....(and believe me, I have a mother-in-law who still participates strongly in this tradition...
The thing is....I have felt like a 'WANDERER' this past year....wandering to Isla and back, wandering to Spain & Morocoo (but not enough, really, only just touching the surface of what I needed to explore & revisit) and wandering around my own farm... but wandering so much, that I'm not really accomplishing anything. Lately, I've been doing substitute teaching for 5 weeks, in a place I used to work, which involves an hour commute each way. Again... I'm wandering...not accomplishing...
okay...maybe not so much 'wandering' as earning $ to sustain my 'wandering' habit. ha ha.
Much of our lives is about wandering...yes. Maybe too much.
On the other hand...why not? As my sister says, pretty soon it will all be over with.
She says that sometimes to get through the difficult times.
But, it's good to remember...we're all here only temporarily. Maybe we'll be back though, who knows?
We've probably all lost someone important this past year. We have... our mom...
Memorial Day is about that....and about veterans...and about those of us, still wandering & memorializing those gone before us...
Sometimes, 'wandering' is brought us to Isla. Good.
And if it takes me to more fun and out of the way places in the future...also good.
I love the word, 'wanderlust' also. Guess that fits.
And, maybe one has to 'wander' to find nuggets of value...
And someday, we'll end up deserving our 'Wanderer's Rest' like the souls interred in the ground in this photo.
Commentary on things happening on Isla Mujeres, and the area---our house in process, the culture, people and things one notices living here....
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Spring plowing, planting...dirt
Dirt. It's so primal.
I love how the word itself is simple, like the concept.
So essential. There's nothing like going back to the earth.
Fields are worked up and being planted.
I love to see the bare ground...the promise of a crop, the planning & the planting.
I love walking around the farm & looking at the fields from different angles.
Some have our barn in the background; others have the neighbor's barn in the background.
It doesn't matter.
It's always good. No till (or, minimum till) plowing leaves much of the cornstalks from last year on the ground, a better technique.
It creates mulch, adds cover, holds moisture, and is just better for the soil.
Farming changes, along with everything else.
But, seeing the land at this stage--feels timeless.
And rocks...
they're still out there!
And just for the heck of it, walked around & picked rocks...
just like the old days...
a good hard life was (not as many rocks now), how physical life was, and how rewarding too. That big rock on the right (now in the line-fence rockpile) was so darn heavy, it broke when I dropped it. Rocks & Dirt. Primal.
I love how the word itself is simple, like the concept.
So essential. There's nothing like going back to the earth.
Fields are worked up and being planted.
I love to see the bare ground...the promise of a crop, the planning & the planting.
I love walking around the farm & looking at the fields from different angles.
Some have our barn in the background; others have the neighbor's barn in the background.
It doesn't matter.
It's always good. No till (or, minimum till) plowing leaves much of the cornstalks from last year on the ground, a better technique.
It creates mulch, adds cover, holds moisture, and is just better for the soil.
Farming changes, along with everything else.
But, seeing the land at this stage--feels timeless.
And rocks...
they're still out there!
And just for the heck of it, walked around & picked rocks...
just like the old days...
a good hard life was (not as many rocks now), how physical life was, and how rewarding too. That big rock on the right (now in the line-fence rockpile) was so darn heavy, it broke when I dropped it. Rocks & Dirt. Primal.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Ferry to Yucatan Questionnaire
fyi--I received this email recently & am passing it on to anyone wishing to give input.
From my earlier post on ferry service, this may seem to counter that news , & may seem to point more to the earlier Tampa to Progreso route, which was referenced a year or two ago.
In any case, it's the same provider/investor (Bruce Nierenburg @ United Caribbean Lines).
So, I'd say the more who reply with info, the better the chances are of seeing ferry service.
Thursday, May 10, 2012 3:38 PM
From my earlier post on ferry service, this may seem to counter that news , & may seem to point more to the earlier Tampa to Progreso route, which was referenced a year or two ago.
In any case, it's the same provider/investor (Bruce Nierenburg @ United Caribbean Lines).
So, I'd say the more who reply with info, the better the chances are of seeing ferry service.
Tampa Bay Progreso Ferry Service
If you are receiving this email you have requested to be on the Tampa Bay Progreso Ferry email update list. If you do not want to receive updates please advise.
The past year has not brought a lot of forward momentum with the ferry project in spite of the interest of three different ferry companies and many false start dates. The scandals which precipitated personnel changes at the Progreso Port Authority certainly didn't help the situation either, however, things have been happening behind the scenes and from what I understand a number of feasibility studies have been done in the Tampa area showing the ferry project is viable but the inability to do a feasibility study within the expatriate community continues to be a stumbling block especially with investors.
Having learned from the mistakes of the previous ferry services in the area and responses from the previous expat surveys, the original plans have been modified. Super high speed ferries are now being considered to shorten the crossing time, frequent user plans, and even free vehicle bonuses are being considered. A year round weekly crossing schedule with frequency based on use patterns and peak seasons will be offered. As this service will take some years to become profitable investor backing will be the key to success.
I know many of you have already completed one or both of the previous surveys but United Caribbean Lines is asking for our input once again. The results will directly influence investors and the more responses the better so please forward this email and ask everyone you know who may travel this direction to answer the questions and forward their responses to United Caribbean Lines. If you have access to expatriate websites, blogs or travel groups please have all your members respond and forward the questions on to any other websites and blogs you use anywhere in Central America. Even if you have no interest in using the ferry service please respond because part of the purpose is to try to establish how many expats live in the Yucatan and Central America.
If you are comfortable letting UCL know how to reach you they would like to extend some special courtesies, goodies, discounts and upgrades for helping them, when the ferry service begins. Just put your email address and mailing address in Central America on your answers to the questionnaire so UCL can reach you with the offers when they get started.
Please copy the following questions with your answers in an email and send your responses as soon as possible to Bruce Nierenburg at United Caribbean Lines.
2. How many family members reside in your Central American home?
3. Do you maintain a second home in the U.S. or Canada?
4. When you travel to go to the U.S or Canada to visit friends family etc. What is your destination?
5. How many times a year do you make this trip?
6. If you have more than one place you travel to in the U.S or Canada please list those additional destinations
7. How often to you travel to these secondary destinations each calendar year
8. When you go do you drive or fly? If both what is the approx. % for each?
9. Do you have pets? Do you take them when you return to the U.S or Canada?
10. When you return to the U.S. or Canada do you shop for supplies etc. For your home in Central America?
11. When you travel from your home in Central America to the U.S. or Canada are there times of the year you do most of the travel? If so, when?
12. Do friends and family come to Central America each year to visit you? If so how often?
13. Do you own an RV in Central America?
14. What would be the most important reasons you would take the ferry to Florida?

Tamara Magnusson
The past year has not brought a lot of forward momentum with the ferry project in spite of the interest of three different ferry companies and many false start dates. The scandals which precipitated personnel changes at the Progreso Port Authority certainly didn't help the situation either, however, things have been happening behind the scenes and from what I understand a number of feasibility studies have been done in the Tampa area showing the ferry project is viable but the inability to do a feasibility study within the expatriate community continues to be a stumbling block especially with investors.
Having learned from the mistakes of the previous ferry services in the area and responses from the previous expat surveys, the original plans have been modified. Super high speed ferries are now being considered to shorten the crossing time, frequent user plans, and even free vehicle bonuses are being considered. A year round weekly crossing schedule with frequency based on use patterns and peak seasons will be offered. As this service will take some years to become profitable investor backing will be the key to success.
I know many of you have already completed one or both of the previous surveys but United Caribbean Lines is asking for our input once again. The results will directly influence investors and the more responses the better so please forward this email and ask everyone you know who may travel this direction to answer the questions and forward their responses to United Caribbean Lines. If you have access to expatriate websites, blogs or travel groups please have all your members respond and forward the questions on to any other websites and blogs you use anywhere in Central America. Even if you have no interest in using the ferry service please respond because part of the purpose is to try to establish how many expats live in the Yucatan and Central America.
If you are comfortable letting UCL know how to reach you they would like to extend some special courtesies, goodies, discounts and upgrades for helping them, when the ferry service begins. Just put your email address and mailing address in Central America on your answers to the questionnaire so UCL can reach you with the offers when they get started.
Please copy the following questions with your answers in an email and send your responses as soon as possible to Bruce Nierenburg at United Caribbean Lines.
Questionnaire for Ex-Pats living in Central America for new Ferry Service of United Caribbean Lines
1. Where in Central America is your current home?2. How many family members reside in your Central American home?
3. Do you maintain a second home in the U.S. or Canada?
4. When you travel to go to the U.S or Canada to visit friends family etc. What is your destination?
5. How many times a year do you make this trip?
6. If you have more than one place you travel to in the U.S or Canada please list those additional destinations
7. How often to you travel to these secondary destinations each calendar year
8. When you go do you drive or fly? If both what is the approx. % for each?
9. Do you have pets? Do you take them when you return to the U.S or Canada?
10. When you return to the U.S. or Canada do you shop for supplies etc. For your home in Central America?
11. When you travel from your home in Central America to the U.S. or Canada are there times of the year you do most of the travel? If so, when?
12. Do friends and family come to Central America each year to visit you? If so how often?
13. Do you own an RV in Central America?
a. Would you take it on the ferry?
a. Please number the following reasons in order of importance for using the ferry
b. Number 1 is the most important. Number 10 the least
i. Go back to other homes in U.S. and or Canada ____
ii. Visit family and friends_______
iii. Shopping ___
iv. Vacationing in Florida ___
v. I can take my car or RV ___
vi. Go to Florida to use airports for further travel ___
vii. Go to Florida to get on a cruise __
viii. Just to get away for a short trip ____
ix. Travel for medical purposes ___
x. Other ( please name ) ______
i. Go back to other homes in U.S. and or Canada ____
ii. Visit family and friends_______
iii. Shopping ___
iv. Vacationing in Florida ___
v. I can take my car or RV ___
vi. Go to Florida to use airports for further travel ___
vii. Go to Florida to get on a cruise __
viii. Just to get away for a short trip ____
ix. Travel for medical purposes ___
x. Other ( please name ) ______
Additional comments or things you would like us to know to help serve you better with our new ferry service
Your Name and address in Central America
Your email address
Thanks from all of us at United Caribbean Lines
Tamara Magnusson
Monday, May 7, 2012
Cruising to Isla ?
I've only been home a month, but am already feeling like I could go back to Isla. So, I guess I'm falling into the pattern of someone who likes to come and go a lot, rather than stay a long while in either place. But now it's Steve's turn to go...

And thinking of getting there, for years we've been considering other ways to get there, and a couple years ago, prepared to drive down, but now with border being iffy, a bit cautious there. Mostly, we've been waiting patiently for the ferry which was to start up again, and I'm constantly on the lookout for when & where that is going to happen. I troll the internet often for news.
From what I can tell, it seems it may happen, and now from Tampa to Calica (S of Playa). This is even better than Progresso, the previously mentioned port on the Mexico side. Was hoping for 2011, then 2012, then this summer, & now just hoping for early 2013....
I'm prepared to wait, but eager to go this route. And then, maybe later, Cuba!! would love that too :-)
Most of the better info I've found comes from Cozumel sources, or the Tampa Bay news or Port Authority of Tampa. Blogs, and have some info
& this from TripAdvisor
Car Ferry from USA to Calica Soon?
And thinking of getting there, for years we've been considering other ways to get there, and a couple years ago, prepared to drive down, but now with border being iffy, a bit cautious there. Mostly, we've been waiting patiently for the ferry which was to start up again, and I'm constantly on the lookout for when & where that is going to happen. I troll the internet often for news.
From what I can tell, it seems it may happen, and now from Tampa to Calica (S of Playa). This is even better than Progresso, the previously mentioned port on the Mexico side. Was hoping for 2011, then 2012, then this summer, & now just hoping for early 2013....
I'm prepared to wait, but eager to go this route. And then, maybe later, Cuba!! would love that too :-)
Most of the better info I've found comes from Cozumel sources, or the Tampa Bay news or Port Authority of Tampa. Blogs, and have some info
& this from TripAdvisor
Car Ferry from USA to Calica Soon?
31 January 2012, 6:16
According to news reports, the port facility on the mainland at Calica, which currently handles the car ferry from Cozumel, will be expanded to handle new car ferry service from Tampa, Florida. According to the company that will operate the ferry cruise, it would have an initial frequency of two runs per week from Tampa, Florida to Calica and back, each capable up to two thousand passengers and 600 vehicles. A similar service operated some years ago to Progesso, the port for Merida, some years ago.
It is indicated that the service could begin as soon as this summer. (Later info has an update with delays, & now report early 2013. RT fares of $350 (cabin), and maybe $195 for just a seat on deck, though the crossing will be many, many hours. But hey, we could bring a car finally!)
here's a link from Por Esto news:
And the English translation is as follows (from Google translator):
PLAYA DEL CARMEN, SOLIDARITY, January 30. - The port of Calica be expanded to receive ferry-cruise from Tampa, Florida, with a capacity of up to two thousand passengers and 600 vehicles, with the possibility of future expansion, according to the CEO of the company, Jorge Marquez Chabolla.
Interviewed Monday afternoon, the manager of Limestone Industrial del Carmen (Calica) announced that it resumed the proceedings before the proper authorities and in the course of the month and a half could be at hand and start the project, to be investment a third country.
He acknowledged that the project was stopped slightly year-end because everything slows down, especially in mid-December because there is almost no activity in the federal courts. "We've had some conversations, we have a statement from the SCT, we hope to reactivate in February," he said.
He said the idea is that the service may come to operate this summer, between June and July dates scheduled, unless there is a significant delay in the proceedings.
With respect to the adjustments of the current dock, the respondent agreed that additional investment would bring him a third, once having authorizations, because basically it would be a receiving terminal, although Calica adjustments apply resources in port, "we have an investment estimated, but nothing official that we could share right now, "he said.
Chabolla Marquez said that according to the company that will operate the ferry-crossing, would have an initial frequency, as they have been informed of two runs per week from Tampa, Florida, United States, to Calica and back, with capacity each up to two thousand passengers and 600 vehicles.
Clarified that there is a Home Port Xcaret as planned, but as a ferry terminal now has the crossing today to Cozumel, but with the only difference is international, which require other facilities such as customs and immigration issue, which will be open for further assaults in the future.
Meanwhile, he continued, a Home Port is a different concept which requires a robust infrastructure to handle baggage from 3000 to 4000 passengers are embarking there is, is a completely different investment-cruise ferry .
Finally, the CEO of Calica, Jorge Marquez Chabolla, denied that there is some damage to the seabed, reefs or natural resources, it is the same route you are driving with several runs a day. "From the environmental point of view there is no impact, so far we have not had any incidents in the story and hope that this is maintained," he said.
We are keeping are fingers crossed, & praying to the proper authorities... whatever works...
We have totally enjoyed our ship time, and on Isla enjoy watching the cruise ships out on the horizon of the Caribe, esp at night, with all their lights beaming bright.
Just having logged some ferry & cruise ship time....I say...bring it on...cannot be soon enough.
Here we are in March on the Algeciras ferry crossing the Med, coming toward Gibraltar.
It is indicated that the service could begin as soon as this summer. (Later info has an update with delays, & now report early 2013. RT fares of $350 (cabin), and maybe $195 for just a seat on deck, though the crossing will be many, many hours. But hey, we could bring a car finally!)
here's a link from Por Esto news:
And the English translation is as follows (from Google translator):
PLAYA DEL CARMEN, SOLIDARITY, January 30. - The port of Calica be expanded to receive ferry-cruise from Tampa, Florida, with a capacity of up to two thousand passengers and 600 vehicles, with the possibility of future expansion, according to the CEO of the company, Jorge Marquez Chabolla.
Interviewed Monday afternoon, the manager of Limestone Industrial del Carmen (Calica) announced that it resumed the proceedings before the proper authorities and in the course of the month and a half could be at hand and start the project, to be investment a third country.
He acknowledged that the project was stopped slightly year-end because everything slows down, especially in mid-December because there is almost no activity in the federal courts. "We've had some conversations, we have a statement from the SCT, we hope to reactivate in February," he said.
He said the idea is that the service may come to operate this summer, between June and July dates scheduled, unless there is a significant delay in the proceedings.
With respect to the adjustments of the current dock, the respondent agreed that additional investment would bring him a third, once having authorizations, because basically it would be a receiving terminal, although Calica adjustments apply resources in port, "we have an investment estimated, but nothing official that we could share right now, "he said.
Chabolla Marquez said that according to the company that will operate the ferry-crossing, would have an initial frequency, as they have been informed of two runs per week from Tampa, Florida, United States, to Calica and back, with capacity each up to two thousand passengers and 600 vehicles.
Clarified that there is a Home Port Xcaret as planned, but as a ferry terminal now has the crossing today to Cozumel, but with the only difference is international, which require other facilities such as customs and immigration issue, which will be open for further assaults in the future.
Meanwhile, he continued, a Home Port is a different concept which requires a robust infrastructure to handle baggage from 3000 to 4000 passengers are embarking there is, is a completely different investment-cruise ferry .
Finally, the CEO of Calica, Jorge Marquez Chabolla, denied that there is some damage to the seabed, reefs or natural resources, it is the same route you are driving with several runs a day. "From the environmental point of view there is no impact, so far we have not had any incidents in the story and hope that this is maintained," he said.
We are keeping are fingers crossed, & praying to the proper authorities... whatever works...
We have totally enjoyed our ship time, and on Isla enjoy watching the cruise ships out on the horizon of the Caribe, esp at night, with all their lights beaming bright.
Just having logged some ferry & cruise ship time....I say...bring it on...cannot be soon enough.
Here we are in March on the Algeciras ferry crossing the Med, coming toward Gibraltar.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Happy May Day!
It used to mean one thing...
It used to mean delivering little homemade May baskets, in a wagon, to my neighbors, leaving them on a doorstep or door
(...a 'mom' idea.. when I was a kid)
then, my own kids delivered May baskets to their grandma, surprising her & tricking her by running away (and always ending with letting her catch them to give them a kiss....)
I love these old traditions, but am afraid they're fading away...
Then, there are the global meanings.... world labor marches...parades....power displays...
(last year the Milwaukee Solidarity parade had 100,000... this year, only 20,000...
and it's also taken on more local politics with our upcoming governor recall election & candidates taking their stands...
APRIL 30, 2012
Voces May Day Solidarity March Draws Over 20,000 Against Arizona's SB 1070
Congressman Luis Gutierrez: "We will not stop until all immigrants have good health care, good education, and good jobs."
MILWAUKEE-As part of a series of national protests against Arizona’s SB 1070 law, over twenty thousand people marched through the streets of Milwaukee yesterday in Voces de la Frontera’s annual May Day march.
The Arizona SB 1070 law, whose constitutionality is in question in the US Supreme Court, has been widely criticized for promoting racial profiling and undermining public safety by forcing police to take the role of federal immigration officials and check the immigration status of anyone they may have "reasonable suspicion" to believe is undocumented.
As Executive Director, Christine Neumann-Ortiz has described it, “the court’s landmark ruling, expected in June, will determine whether our nation will uphold the historic gains of the civil rights movement or revert back to a pre-civil rights era of second-class citizenship. This racist law only serves corporate interests: the private prisons, private bond companies, military companies at the border, and corporations that contract prison labor for less than the minimum wage.”
Jennifer Martinez, a Manitowoc woman whose husband Jaime Martinez was deported to Mexico last month, gave an emotional testimony to the crowd about the cruel impact our immigration enforcement policies have had on herself and her four children when immigration ripped Jaime away from his family.
Voces was joined by a coalition of groups including those representing labor unions, faith, LGBT, and more. Prior to the march, statements in solidarity were made outside the Voces office by gubernatorial candidate Kathleen Falk and NAACP President James Hall, in addition to other elected officials and community leaders. All candidates for governor in Wisconsin's upcoming recall election were invited to the event, including Governor Scott Walker.
At the main stage in Veteran’s Park after the march, Congressman Luis Gutierrez (IL) fired up the crowd with a speech on family unification and the importance of Latinos participating in the voting process, and of politicians defending the rights of all people in the country. "We have to lift our voices, regardless of party, and speak for the immigrants who live here."
Crowd coordinators measured the crowd filling ten full blocks at the height of the march.
(Photo: Brennan Balistrieri)
(Photo: Zachary Berg)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------so, there is now so much meaning wrapped up in the day....what used to be a simple May Day...
now so complicated...
We have our monthly bookclub meeting tonight, and because it's MAY DAY we are are bringing our treats in May baskets...
happily discussing our latest read, 'State Of Wonder' by Ann Patchett.
This was a book I just loved & highly recommend.
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