Taking care of a 4r old, even part-time, really eats up your day...plus, it's fall & nice for yard cleanup, plus, I've been subbing a bit at school--didn't think I would be holding out that option for those good long term jobs in spring, which will be plentiful w/lots of retirements on the horizon due to contracts changing due to our state new repub. governor's union busting efforts...don't get me started... So, school is on my mind....and I promise Isla pics after this for a bit, since Isla is never off my mind & I uploaded new pics that have been on my camera forever... so, one more school related post...

ShangHai school bus.... the actual characters are: Shang hai Shi (city) Xiehe Guoji xuexiao
Astrid , granddaughter #3, looking out the window of her bus. Sofi, granddaughter #1 asks why there are curtains on the bus (since hers has no curtains...) neither, of course, have car seats...which makes one wonder...not in China though... and Sofi wonders why Astrid just can't come over to visit us on the bus.
I'm not sure when one develops a sense of world geography and distances.
On the other hand, she does know that to get to our place in Mexico (Isla), we have to take:
a car; a bus, a plane, another bus, a taxi, a ferry, and finally, a golf cart. a fun series of things, to her...
Granddaughters #1 & #3 are enjoying their bus trips, maybe as much as their time at school...
who knew?
and here is Evie...granddaughter #2, at her Schlitz Audubon Nature Preschool in Milwaukee, WI
She looks equally happy with what is in store for her... bug vs. bus is more like it....
looks like lots of trees, leaves & critters and the classroom stuff is really innovative...global!

here is Sofi getting on her daily bus and getting some help with her backpack..
So there...
that takes care of the start of another school year....for another generation...
And again, it does seem like Sept is the beginning of the year and change for so many... I think in a place with seasons it is more pronounced.
Somehow, Jan here, the beginning of the calendar year...does not feel like a real change... whereas Jan. in Mexico does feel more like a beginning of a year...I wonder why that seems to be... just my own feelings...
But, whatever...it gives me the chance to have a new beginning, twice a year. I'm liking that!
And it may be the case for Sofi also, if she gets to have some time in Mexico at school as well...we'll see...
If so, she'll be trading bus rides, for golf cart rides....all good!
ShangHai school bus.... the actual characters are: Shang hai Shi (city) Xiehe Guoji xuexiao
Astrid , granddaughter #3, looking out the window of her bus. Sofi, granddaughter #1 asks why there are curtains on the bus (since hers has no curtains...) neither, of course, have car seats...which makes one wonder...not in China though... and Sofi wonders why Astrid just can't come over to visit us on the bus.
I'm not sure when one develops a sense of world geography and distances.
On the other hand, she does know that to get to our place in Mexico (Isla), we have to take:
a car; a bus, a plane, another bus, a taxi, a ferry, and finally, a golf cart. a fun series of things, to her...
Granddaughters #1 & #3 are enjoying their bus trips, maybe as much as their time at school...
who knew?
and here is Evie...granddaughter #2, at her Schlitz Audubon Nature Preschool in Milwaukee, WI
She looks equally happy with what is in store for her... bug vs. bus is more like it....
looks like lots of trees, leaves & critters and the classroom stuff is really innovative...global!
So there...
that takes care of the start of another school year....for another generation...
And again, it does seem like Sept is the beginning of the year and change for so many... I think in a place with seasons it is more pronounced.
Somehow, Jan here, the beginning of the calendar year...does not feel like a real change... whereas Jan. in Mexico does feel more like a beginning of a year...I wonder why that seems to be... just my own feelings...
But, whatever...it gives me the chance to have a new beginning, twice a year. I'm liking that!
And it may be the case for Sofi also, if she gets to have some time in Mexico at school as well...we'll see...
If so, she'll be trading bus rides, for golf cart rides....all good!