Sunday, February 12, 2012

Blog Hodge Podge

Blodge--is that a word?  It needs to be.  I think it would define my blog hodge podge.
       (and from a linguist point of view...I like it ! ) 

I think maybe this is common among bloggers--losing if I ever had a focus. But wait...I think I did, just over a year ago when I started this. Just venturing out, knowing nothing was daring.  But to think I could stick to a topic, timeline, learn how to post pics and have some cohesion...I see it's not doable.  And not sure I will even continue... but, if I do, where to go with it...hmmmm.....

Technically, if I continue, I feel I should seek help through a class or something. I could/should learn how to make it look better (it's daunting to see others so put together...) and maybe I'll switch to wordpress...a thought. Blogger is not easy w/a mac laptop. Plus, the template was set up in Mexico, & is in Spanish...I just figured, oh well, I'll pick up more Spanish vocab...always a goal.  I'm just too lazy to change it...but maybe...

It was about the house & Isla in the beginning, but as I/we come and go...well, life is just more complicated than that.  
I'm going to be here (farm)
and there (Isla) and everywhere (Spain, Morocco) in the next several weeks.  Retracing our history.

Well...I guess that's my life, and I'm sticking with it.
Seems I had one post that said something about serendipity...true enough...we've never had a set plan to get through life.    It has just happened.    and that's okay.   

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