Friday, June 29, 2012

Bad Blogger....c'est la vie

Sorry I've been a bad blogger...
It's on my mind that I should put something out there in the blogosphere, and I have plenty of stuff...that's not a problem.  June is coming to a close, and I feel pressured to write something...
I guess I can just rattle off all my excuses:
after 5 weeks of full team teaching/subbing, I'm exhausted & terribly disorganized.
I cannot find my camera charger, OR my cord to download photos (did I leave them at school?);
I've had to tend my poor yard and flowers, which are needing daily watering due to the drought;
  (I only water the flowers, which are doing well. It's great the lawn is dying--less work there...)
My daughter moved, and we are helping daily...(ok, we financed the house she'll be renting, for one...);
Today, I stained the wood floors, which were just sanded; tomorrow--several coats of polyurethane;
Due to my granddaughter's 'move' also, I'm her daily daycare provider....not complaining...I love it!
Wait! So, tomorrow being a Saturday, means 'double duty.'  Day care provider + floor refinisher.
wow.  It reminds me of the old days, when I really unloading 4 loads of hay, watching 2 kids, mowing the lawn, and making dinner for guests, including fresh bread.
It reminds me what John Galbraith? once said....'the only good thing about having worked on a farm is that nothing you'll ever do again really seems like work.'

Plus, the last several weekends I'm driving to & babysitting in Milwaukee for 2 other granddaughters, whose parents are doing wedding photography (June=busy season) & the other gram is out of commission;   again....Love it! Not complaining  :)        Time with granddaughters--priceless!

My brother from Arizona is here with us for the summer....Again, Love it!  Not complaining....
I wouldn't necessarily say he is 'high fact, he's helping with the house fixup...but, people who live in urban places are...hmm, demanding?  Not sure what, but not Midwest pace...
The irony is...he's from here too...but, living away from the Midwest too long, I guess....

Let's see...what else? My mother-in-law is planning a gigantic reunion at her one room schoolhouse...
(Her hobby...which is now also often, 'our' hobby... a museum of a slice of life she yearns for today...

   (guess what?  I'm okay with it.  Not complaining...(okay, maybe a little... it's only going to mushroom in terms of more work needed....and I don't have to worry about her reading this...she is anti-computer stuff, and calls facebook 'facemask' and won't even allow me to post things there....
(but, like her Amish friends, she'll agree to use things she finds unacceptable when it suits her needs...
For example, she'll look at 'facemask' to see her great granddaughters in Shanghai kind of like the Amish will accept rides to Walmart, though they won't drive themselves... hmm...I just saw some Amish young folks there away....It's okay though--makes them seem more normal, I guess...)

(By the way, we just took a trip to a nearby Amish general store and stocked up on brother & mother-in-law...both loving seeing it is quaint, the other as catching up on local gossip...). My brother got a photo of them driving their horse & buggy (rear view--all that is allowed) as they left the country store. Maybe I can get him to send me that shot...too bad I don't have it yet...darn!

My days are filled and rarely am I setting the agenda.  C'est la vie....that's life.   It's okay.
I'm happy to be useful.  Not unlike the Amish in that way.

And now, our FM3 Visas are about to expire, and we have to renew them...which means a trip to Isla.
Darn.  Do I have to go?  I have so much to do here, I can't even blog about it or get a photo out.
I need to do something about that.

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