Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year...worldwide

Guess since I'm now in Mexico, yet thinking of home, and even family in China...wow...it is a small world, yet a big word...   yet, in just a bit, I'll have more family here, as Sumi and Sofi arrive, mom for a week, and daughter for longer.... That will feel more like home.  We'll see how it goes...
Plane travel...wow.  It still can impress.  It can erase distance.  Airports, I read, are the new cities of the future.

anyway...will put up some more travel pics, while waiting...


we did take time to smell the flowers...
and there were some lovely rose bushes, not far from our room...
  some yellow...some red....delicious smells...
 Look at the height of these old palms on the hacienda...I'm not sure what type they are....ancient!

Here's a peek into the hacienda kitchen...
I snuck a photo when Maria Elena was gone...

The dining room... 

The pool...

and t

The pool...
and, they had their own chapel on the grounds...

So, all in all, a good stay...even if the night was chilly, and we couldn't or didn't take time to figure out the space heater... too much trouble for our short stay...  had a photo, but can't seem to get it to load...
oh well...may add later.           There are so many more pics. what to choose?  what to focus on?

It's New Year's  and I wasn't even going to blog;  I wasn't even going to CONTINUE this blog...
I read where the average life of a blog is 3 years. I'm amazed I kept it up as long as I have...
It's something I need to mull over...

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