Playa Lancheros...not too far from us.
we liked to go and watch the sunset here, have guac & beers (he now suffers from guac 'withdrawal!')
Lancheros is especially nice since they have a great play structure
Here's Sofi on the slide.
Denny and Sofi out on 2 different beaches flying two of the several kites he brought Thanks!
Now, in Merida, viewing the murals
in the government building, depicting
slave labor to harvest the hennequin
(sisal) crop, for making rope
bringing great wealth to the Spanish
who built great homes in Merida.
Here is a 'Tree of Life' (one of many)
from the Folk Art Museum in Merida.
Nice collection of things, displayed in one of the stately colonial homes of Merida.
And the Jaguars were cool too.
Especially cool that they were displayed in the bathroom.
well, guess they made good use of all their spaces!
(I think Sofia called them 'jaguaguaguas!
Wish we'd had time for more museums... next time...
This pair of photos shows a highlight of our time in of those serendipitous moments...
totally unplanned stop at the 'Latino Bar' meeting the owner who kept bringing us little plates of appetizers to go with our beers...the plates just kept coming and coming, as we kept sampling and sampling...probably our favorite stop of the trip!
the irony being it was all at no charge!
We over tipped bigtime...
We joked that this is where the owner ejected us for bad behavior...but no, it's just that we went back to get his picture outside the place, so we could remember to come back to the right spot.
Really, it was stories like these....with a beginning, middle and end...and lots of development in between...which were so much fun...involving real people we made a connection with.
We felt we went beyond tourist, and became friends. We definitely want to go back here again.
His name is Jorge. Gracias, Jorge, good time.
Good times with Denny too.
Thanks for visiting my blog because now I've found yours! I looked back through some of your January posts. I noticed one with a photo of the yellow house next to the road that cuts cross island at the south end. If that's your house, I think we saw you several times in your hammock when we'd walk that road back across to Villa La Joya where we were staying. Can't wait to get back to Isla in late June for a few weeks. I know most people migrate the other way by May, but compared to the dry Phoenix heat in June/July, Isla feels wonderful! to have comments :)
I'm so new to this, & was so tentative, & still need to learn a lot. I could've used your help while here... darn!
Also, since I read your blog a lot, I did wonder if I had seen you or your husband around La Joya, but not being sure, was a bit reluctant to ask, but now I guess it was you guys! (yes, that's our yellow house & yes, I'm often in hammock swing!) So, likely we will meet here sometime, as we plan to come & go more, as we're able.
Thanks. -kris
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