seemed a little overwhelming at first, and maybe too brazen, as if a bit of Cancun is seeping into the island... in fact, a couple other statues downtown, also nudes of the sea... feature similar form...
But this is just, statuesque.... check it out... shocked me upon first seeing it...
as the inscription says:
... the principal Mayan goddess
Goddess of the rainbow, water, fertility, abundance, the moon, love and of medicine.
this statue has more color than others..
and in a way,
is more fitting and real to the island
I'm still getting used to it though...
It just caught me by surprise I guess.
see the smaller concrete head in in a square
mounted on the wall in background...
I assume they're also Mayan goddessess,
and maybe even Ixchel also...(not sure)
but they've been around awhile & I'm used
the name IXCHEL figures into a lot of things on the island...
houses, (casas) hotels figurines Ixchel this & Ixchel that
you kind of almost forget she is embodied as a person....
the statue does help you remember that!
So, these are the 'ladies' of Punta Sur...
I'll make my own comment here---
am trying to get the fotos to group better, & not allow so much 'white space.' The final post is not how the draft appeared...the fotos are spread out again... I need to work on this!
That new goddess at Punta Sur is almost a little lewd, but better than the old one. Ha! I think this Ixchel is a little too realistic as opposed to the mermaid sculpture in town and that's what makes it cross the line to jolting. I love all the heads on the wall. I've been having a really hard time with Blogger lately. I get the spacing right and it immediately reverts back when I try to post. It's very frustrating! I hope it's one of those kinks they fix! Quickly!
yes, the old one was shocking in its old way; this one in its detail & size. also--I'm having that exact problem with Blogger...I figured I just hadn't figured it out yet, so good to know it isn't only me :)
Really enjoyed your fotos. I was just there on Isla Mujeres and I forgot the name of the Goddess...thanks to Google and your blog, I was able to find it.
Thanks - Pamela, Cozumel MX
Glad to be able to help out Pamela, and hope you enjoyed your Isla visit. We went to Cozumel last Aug, but only a day, & I'd like to go back. -kris
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