This is a wonderful restaurant right across from the Hotel Reforma where we stayed, near the square.
This is where we were sitting, when we missed the 'Grito' thinking we would go there & participate.
Oh well, next time. We were just off by an hour, as with the parade...our luck...
Here is their link: (at the bottom of this post, I'll paste the Spanish info.)
When you walk in the entrance, to your right (twd the right back in upper photo) you will see a
portrait of Quintana Roo, as this is his birthplace (born here in 1787) . So, that is an extra good reason for going here. He was the governor of Yucatan, & then later, after Yucatan was divided up,
this state, (where Isla Mujeres & Cancun & Riviera Maya are) was named after him.

Also, on one of my earlier visits to Merida, I discovered there is also a statue of Quintana Roo in Santa Ana Park, just several blocks from here, down Calle 62.
He was the governor of the state of Yucatan first, from January of 1872.
I always thought his name was so unique.
The park of Santa Ana is also very beautiful.
And of course, there is the church of Santa Ana.
Rosy's brother's house is in this area, which is how
I discovered the statue when we were here in Aug.
It is just a few blocks from the park of Santa Lucia, where on Thursday evenings, for 50 years? or so, they have the 'Serenata. '
I love the music, and the dancing is nice too.
But I especially like the old guys dressed in white
playing their beautiful music. It's a free concert every Thursday at 9pm.
In August when we were there, we saw this group of students doing this exercise in the park.
I guess they were practicing being blind (& I remember doing that once also for school)... ¡Cuidate! |
Here are the dancers (many dance schools here) doing a Yucatecan dance, La Jarana...on the eve of Independence Day. The crowd is usually overflowing, but sparse this time, since many were already in the square for the preparations underway there. Santa Lucîa Park, every Thurs at 9pm--worthwhile!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Spanish info. from Amaro website:
Como una suerte de oasis en el centro histórico de Mérida, el restaurante AMARO ofrece un ambiente sereno y sugestivo, con el marco de una sobria casona del siglo XVIII cuyo valor histórico radica
en que en ella nació en 1787 Andrés Quintana Roo, importante figura del México Insurgente, jurisconsulto, embajador, diputado, periodista,
poeta, y esposo de una gran revolucionaria, Leona Vicario. Aquí, en el corazón de la ciudad, con terraza al aire libre y espléndido ejemplar de árbol de orquídea, usted puede degustar una variada cocina artesanal, elaborada en con base en ingredientes naturales, frescos, cuidadosamente seleccionados. En su carta pueden encontrarse numerosos platillos vegetarianos internacionales y nacionales- con y sin lácteos, así como especialidades con pollo y pescados, jugosa naturales, vinos, cervezas y una variada barra de licores. Al son de la trova, entre guitarras y bohemias, quedan atrapados sabores, aromas, colores y brisas para crear este espacio singular. En el mapa de los menús de Yucatán, este lugar merece ser probado. Restaurante Amaro
Calle 59 por 60 y 62 Centro Histórico. |
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1 comment:
Jonas--wow, thanks. I really appreciate it. I sometimes wonder if anyone at all reads it, but, 'no importa.' It's good exercise! -kris
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