I did it. It was a goal I had to accomplish on this birthday. So, now it's a 'fait accompli' - a done deed.
I would say I covered 11-12 miles.
I started out with the procession from the church to the Guadalupe Chapel...so that stretch was different.
I walked with the masses, food carts, strollers...etc.
At least I wasn't carrying a 30# statue or wearing heels, like some. But it was good company.
Then, after the mass for Our Lady of Guadalupe, my birthday sharer...and 'Las Mañanitas' birthday song,

I walked home in the dark, but there were many other walkers, several going to the Guadalupana settlement, in my direction.

Once I reached Casa Colibri', I settled in for a good night's sleep. Next morning, I did the eastern ocean walk to South Point, snuck onto the Garrafon Park area and went down to the 'Cliff of the Dawn,' the easternmost point of Mexico & enjoyed the area by myself. Continuing on the narrow pathway, I rounded the southern & easternmost point of Isla (Mexico, really). Then, back down the western side....
(a brief stop/rest at the house)...and back on the road....

This time, a very very very long stretch.... all along the western side of the island, until I came to the part where our procession had crossed the island the night before...Since I'd already covered that eastern segment of road, I crossed over and came out on the eastern side, and continued on north, along the ocean side. I did make it back to the Guadalupe Chapel, where I'd been the day & night before.
They were having yet another mass...on this, the actual feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Just coming into town, I met the caballeros who were in town with many horses, for a parade, & would later give rides to kids down near La Gloria where a carnival was set up. We had a good chat, & I was given the oppty to actually buy a horse... hmmm--I did have to think about it!
Anyway, we had some nice horse talk & a good photo. Pedro, accd to the other guys, is the best horseman in the Yucatan. (That's Pedro, on right.)

I really would like to go to their ranch & watch him perform sometime (not far from Cancun airport area).
So, from there...it was continuing on down the eastern side of the island....then, a bit on the malecon....

(It will be great when they add even more malecon--boardwalk--for walking)...until hitting the beach at Media Luna...then, onto Avalon...(which is actually on its own little island), crossed the wooden bridge...walked through the hotel and to the back and ended up in the King's Bath...a natural pool formed by a ring of coral, with the ocean crashing over (some other guests were there, & offered to take my photo!)
Tuesday was recovery day. I rewarded myself with lunch at Alex & Geovanny's--guac & garlic fish--then, beach time at Playa Sol--the other tip of the downtown area, western and southernmost.
So..over two days--17 hours-- I walked a loop around the island!
Next year (if I choose to repeat) may opt for 12 hours.
It's doable... (especially if you have have Maria, Virgen de Guadalupe on your side).
(photo from Avalon, looking back down the island to the southern end, where I began that morning!)