...and we're..... gonna see Ma--a---a---ry
cannot get that song out of my head now, & wish I'd been humming it last night on the ambling trek
from the downtown church to Our Lady Of Guadalupe Chapel.... (1 1/2 hr. walk)
instead there was chanting & cheers....'dame un eme... dame una ah... etc.etc....and slow movement.
(I positioned myself in the procession near the Navy wall, which is an interminable length of
concrete & pipe......providing good support!)
here's me in my walking attire...I chose the black t-shirt...matches my jogging pants.
Saw these other 'antorchistas' (torch bearers...for Mary V de G, on bikes, & wished for a bike...
I later learned they'd come all the way from Campeche, & were very celebrated upon arrival here...
Manuel did answer, 'muy poco' when I'd asked him how many foreigners participate...
More likely, none (except yo misma), from my vantage point last night..
It was a happy all-night scene in the street below the chapel, as many could not fit into the seating or standing-room only space around the chapel...
Anyway, everyone sang 'Las Mañanitas' at the very end, close to midnight...
so, I felt I got my birthday song as well, and continued on my personal trek home.
Haven't decided about next year...but it will be 12/12/2012!! Anyone care to join me?
Las Mañanitas, birthday song...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukxXkmUzUE8&feature=related
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