Family life is so complicated...esp, being the 'sandwich generation' we are. We have had a younger generation here for 3 weeks now...and no complaints---I get to see my lovely grandchildren. Have had many wonderful visits with all. Here they are in some cute Dia de Guadalupe outfits I brought back....
Astrid & Frances , Evelyn & Violet, & Sofia. 5 granddaughters, ages 4 and under!
(It was a struggle to even get this much way were all 5 going to get into adorable outfits.
(and son #2 is a photographer! darn! And I had brought each all the parts-skirt,blouse & headscarf!
Besides Christmas, we've had a double baptism, many visiting relatives, a major move for my mother-in-law from the farm; now, a missing beloved pet, and my mother declining & going on hospice care, and family already planning the next step...which we both fear & anticipate will happen soon.
That's just in the past month...
So, when I'm feeling emotional exhaustion, I just count my blessings...
and think of Isla's wonderful landscapes...& all these cute munchkins who might make it there in March!! :)

Let's see....sunny skies & tropical weather...
or clouds and snow....
well....we'll always have Isla....(& as my son said, 'you'll always have the farm'...) but, not so sure....
Those grandchildren are so adorable!!! We have one mother left with health woes, and an aging dog. We love them both dearly, but someday hope to be able to be gone from home for as long as we want. And if the real estate market ever rebounds here, who knows! We might just pick up and move.
Thanks Beck...yes, they keep me going. There are so many variables in each life, no? We are lucky to have any time at all for Isla & I must remember that!
Hi, have been reading your blog for awhile and really enjoying it, born and raised on a farm, so very intersting! Had to comment on those cute, cute grandchildren. I relate on the winter doldrums, I experience that as well, even though it's been a mild one SO
far, in Il. I think of aqua water and warm breezes. Thanks for sharing, Janet
Hi Janet,
Thanks! Interesting comment with your farm background...glad you can relate...sometimes I do wonder about audience, & the fact that my blog covers farm & island life! (I sometimes think they should be separate, but it is my life...)
and so right--this is not really a winter to complain. Tomorrow could even break a record! take care-kris
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