But, not only the wall...(which my son painted a year ago, in a fanciful fun design...)
a dress which seems made to match the wall! How incredible is that!
I found this dress at one of my favorite shops, St. Vincent de Paul...(I'm a regular...will confess...)
...and vintage things--c'mon! This dress...I knew it would look great next to the wall--they share the almost exact floral pattern-- so last fall when I was here I made it a point to pose, in my Vinnie's dress, out by the wall...and did the 'self timer' foto....
that was a fun
What came first?
The wall...
....or the dress?
(ha, ha ...the wall)
And shall I search for another, and have my son do a recreation next year? Such silly fun.
What's really great is that the orange flowers are (were) blooming, and came up to the height of the flowers painted on the wall. Such artful timing...
I'll give Manuel credit for that; he did the planting, but maybe not even he knew--the magic of the match.
And an article I just read makes it all the more artful: San Diego art museum is doing an installation called 'Art Alive' as is my more 'local' museum in Milwaukee.
So, the point is that floral designers create floral arrangements to interpret art works there, and they are displayed under the art work, and have elements of style and color which enhance the art.
Hey...are we on the cutting edge or what? My son is an artist (& a wedding photographer, if anyone needs that--
(...more advertising, why not? :) http://nat.davauer.com )
but, whatever... art, fun, whimsy---it's all good.
What a fun post! You wear that dress well, and I love the flowers on your wall! I'll walk past in June to check on them for you. : )
They're both (the wall & the dress) a little more out there than my usual conservative self allows...but now & then, okay with pushing the limits :)
Thanks. and yes, please check in June (& feel free to water also--ha,ha...) -k
We got married on the island in March and noticed the beautiful artwork on the house! We had to find the house and try to stay there for our honeymoon. Hopefully it will work out! We have already contacted you through email :) Thanks.
Jennifer & Sam
Arriving July 24-Aug 2
CONGRATULATIONS!!! on your wedding, and on finding our house.
Yes, please come.
We'd love to have you stay.
How very special.
Glad you liked it. our son (an artist, and a wedding photographer!, did it last year.)
I think I got your email, but keep staying in touch. thanks. -kris
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