Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy May Day!

Copyright © Susi Nuss, http://BasketMakers.com All rights reserved -
 Fill a small basket with fresh-cut flowers and tie it to the door 
handle of a friend's house on May Day. - maybasket2001.jpg (18506 
bytes)Just thinking about it...puts me in a quandary... maybe just indicative of the complication of our  times....of our lives... (personal & global).

It used to mean one thing...
It used to mean delivering little homemade May baskets, in a wagon, to my neighbors, leaving them on a doorstep or door
  (...a 'mom' idea.. when I was a kid)

then, my own kids delivered May baskets to their grandma, surprising her & tricking her by running away (and always ending with letting her catch them to give them a kiss....)

I love these old traditions, but am afraid they're fading away...

Then, there are the global meanings.... world labor marches...parades....power displays... 

and now locally there are the 'Solidarity' marches, esp here in my state, where power struggles continue...especially between labor & government
 (last year the Milwaukee Solidarity parade had 100,000... this year, only 20,000...
                 and it's also taken on more local politics with our upcoming  governor recall election & candidates taking their stands...

APRIL 30, 2012

Voces May Day Solidarity March Draws Over 20,000 Against Arizona's SB 1070

Congressman Luis Gutierrez: "We will not stop until all immigrants have good health care, good education, and good jobs."
As part of a series of national protests against Arizona’s SB 1070 law, over twenty thousand people marched through the streets of Milwaukee yesterday in Voces de la Frontera’s annual May Day march.
The Arizona SB 1070 law, whose constitutionality is in question in the US Supreme Court, has been widely criticized for promoting racial profiling and undermining public safety by forcing  police to take the role of federal immigration officials and check the immigration status of anyone they may have "reasonable suspicion" to believe is undocumented. 
As Executive Director, Christine Neumann-Ortiz has described it, “the court’s landmark ruling, expected in June, will determine whether our nation will uphold the historic gains of the civil rights movement or revert back to a pre-civil rights era of second-class citizenship. This racist law only serves corporate interests: the private prisons, private bond companies, military companies at the border, and corporations that contract prison labor for less than the minimum wage.”
Jennifer Martinez, a Manitowoc woman whose husband Jaime Martinez was deported to Mexico last month, gave an emotional testimony to the crowd about the cruel impact our immigration enforcement policies have had on herself and her four children when immigration ripped Jaime away from his family.
Voces was joined by a coalition of groups including those representing labor unions, faith, LGBT, and more. Prior to the march, statements in solidarity were made outside the Voces office by gubernatorial candidate Kathleen Falk and NAACP President James Hall, in addition to other elected officials and community leaders. All candidates for governor in Wisconsin's upcoming recall election were invited to the event, including Governor Scott Walker.
At the main stage in Veteran’s Park after the march, Congressman Luis Gutierrez (IL) fired up the crowd with a speech on family unification and the importance of Latinos participating in the voting process, and of politicians defending the rights of all people in the country. "We have to lift our voices, regardless of party, and speak for the immigrants who live here."  
Crowd coordinators measured the crowd filling ten full blocks at the height of the march.

(Photo: Brennan Balistrieri)

(Photo: Zachary Berg)
so, there is now so much meaning wrapped up in the day....what used to be a simple May Day...
now so complicated...
We have our monthly bookclub meeting tonight, and because it's MAY DAY we are are bringing our treats in May baskets...
happily discussing our latest read, 'State Of Wonder'   by Ann Patchett.
              This was a book I just loved & highly recommend.

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