Saturday, January 22, 2011


wow...don't tell me I'm out cyberspace? it's a bit daunting...risky...and I took 6 long weeks to decide to get going.  So, this is an experiment...('this' meaning this blog, this way of living) and we'll see how it goes.  One of my favorite sayings is from Monty Python: 
     '...and now for something completely different.'      
In fact, I like it so much I should use it for this blog's name... well, at least for my gravestone...

Different can be energizing and fun, and challenging & anxiety producing...we're experiencing all that.
Luckily, with internet & Skype we're more connected than with previous getaways from the US.
Anyway, think I'll put this out there before I change my mind. I'm reluctant to get involved in too many things. As someone from Yoga class's a continuum--first you join & do everything, then feel guilty & do things feeling obliged to do so, and finally you can say...'you know, that sounds great, and I'd love to...but I just don't feel like it.'   I know that feeling.  We'll see how this goes.


Tamara said...

Yeah!!! This will be fun, and in Spanish! Great!

Tamara said...

Post some photos!

Unknown said...

awesome, Kris... makes me want to move to Mexico and start a blog!!!

Unknown said...

congratulations on this. now you have to start one for the other half of the year. "we'll also always have the farm."