Monday, January 31, 2011

Adios to January

Hola y Adios to a month where we were never in Wisconsin--maybe in the first time in a really long time. Can't remember the last time we missed a whole month, much less what we both agree is the worst month (or, in our opinion the 'best' month to miss).  Bravo  or  Olé     that was fun.
(and yes, we have 'survivor guilt' for surviving the weather in this paradise, but on the other hand, we have put in our time there over the years.

I remember the first time I missed January  (oh-oh, come t think of it, it was, I have that milestone coming yet, I guess)...  anyway, it was in Morocco many years ago... and the feeling that a person can just fly many hours and step out of a season, and live that season elsewhere is a bit mind-boggling. I never forgot that feeling. Just almost magical to think one can step into another world so very different. Morocco of course, was so different in so many ways, but the weather is the first thing that hits you if you're from the North. Morocco, like here, also had the sea, where we went often since we lived not far from the Atlantic, but did have to drive. Still, to be by the sea and sand in Jan. or Feb. is such a treat, such an escape.  On the other hand, when we left Morocco, a year+ later, it was also weird to step back into a landscape of snow and ice in Maine.   And then, there was China, where we spent a winter away also...and started in mainland China, freezing in underheated rooms, and then moving to Taiwan, again experiencing tropical weather a long train ride & plane ride away.

The weather shocks are adjusted to quickly, since you must adjust, one way or the other. The cultural shocks are just ongoing.  Here, not so much, esp since we have comforts of home, like internet.
Telebodega, in Cancun
Still, on a daily basis, we adjust. Not having a car is really big, and having to use a golf cart, bike, taxis and ferry take a big part of the day, since all force you to plan ahead and take more time in travel, even for small things.   Yesterday we went to Cancun for a few things needed for the house, and ended up at Telebodega, a giant warehouse type furnishings store (bodega=warehouse)... ever the 'Goodwill' type bargain hunters, we found some super remates (bargains), in the less than perfect category...

getting my 'chit' and going to the little window
to pay the total bill....memories of China....
Bon Voyage to our neighbors,
Rosy, her sister & mother, who have just returned
the North & their snow in NJ & NY
We'll miss their company   


Tamara said...

I think you have the hang of this...

krisla said...

hi am trying out many things to figure out how to comment on your comment. testing 1 2 3

krisla said...

hey tengo un exito
maybe now I can figure out how to comment on your blog!
Drew is doing so much now.... fun!