Friday, January 28, 2011

Odds & Ends

A typical day ends up with just so many bits and pieces of things, that might or might not be related.  But, over the course of a day, one runs across such a variety of experiences and photo opportunites.

Staring from a morning Cuban dance class (more on that new favorite thing, but no pic), to a walk along the ocean, then a drive downtown to do errands & witnessing palapa making while eating at a new restaurant, followed by checking out the marimba music (& capturing some interesting boat pics along the shore) after doing another errand at the bank and paying the water bill , more errands, home and checking in with the wall under construction, ending with checking in with the neighbors & their day & meeting new friends.
Some of these odd and ends have photo references & some not, but sometimes pictures are worth more than words.

The above picture is taken across the road from our house, just down the path at our neighbor's house, the first one encountered while walking south along the sea. Their little dog (an adopted street dog, I think) named Tigre or Torrito (little bull...I've heard him called both names...) was sitting out on his ledge/wall...guarding his territory, I suppose.  He wanders the whole neighborhood and is often over at our house, or just passes by as he scopes out the area, looking for his buddies, who gather and have fun.
I got a close up of him before I left. He is cute.
And, every day the views of the sea are just breathtakingly beautiful.  Even though today was a cloudy and cooler importa.  Still a photo worth taking...I think you couldn't get a bad photo from anywhere along the shoreline.
Really, this reminds us of Maine, since it's a shoreline with a rocky coast. It get more steep along the cliff as one approaches the southern end. This shot is taken looking north, toward Colonia La Gloria.
 And, coming back home after my walk, I contemplated the progress on the wall. I'll have to post another picture showing how they mix concrete, which is just to put the mix and water in a pile on the street, and mix it up with a shovel--all by hand, and then they carry the mixed concrete in pails over to the work area, and trowel it into place, securing rows of blocks to make the wall, or putting it into a form to make a column, just a little at a time, letting it cure/dry between each application.   This gap here is our entrance or 'entrada' to the existing steps to the house. A gate will be added later.

And then, downtown, a new restaurant on Hidalgo Street, Barlitos.  It's a deli, kind of New York style (where the owners are from, I think). We've gotten lots of good advice from them on schools and kids activities, since they have young children. 
We will probably follow up with the private school they recommend where their son attends, as a choice for Sofia when she comes.

We also love these tables, chairs, stools, made and marketed here. We have a couple of stools like this, but also really like the table made of wood native to the Yucatan.

Across the street, they were working on making a palapa roof for this building.  They attach the palm fronds (I think) in small bundles, tying them down. Later, they envelop a large area in a net to secure it.  It is a great island look, but hurricanes can wreak havoc with it, so the better the palapa roofs can be secured, the less damage to repair.
The sound of marimba always draws me in, and I couldn't resist going to listen to these guys, playing at Minino's Restaurant on the beach. We like sitting in the chairs right in the sand. Anyway, after chatting with these guys, I learned they are from the state of Chiapas (southern Mexico), but have lived here on the island for 33 years now.
They are so friendly and are always requesting songs they can play for you. (tips welcome). They are just wonderful and such good musicians. One said he goes back to Chiapas every year, and will return this May, 'si Dios quiere... (Godwilling...).

Just to the right, these guys (local fishermen) were gathering to hoist this boat (panga) up so they could attach a new motor to the back. If you look closely, you'll see one is wearing a cap with a big red 'W' --   maybe Wisconsin?

And finally, on the drive home, another dog party.
Dogs seem to have a lot of fun here. This is just in front of the garbage transfer station --mid-island, on the way to our house.   Kind of odd, but just one of many shots of things we see on a daily basis...

1 comment:

Tamara said...

Wow! Is this all in one day? Again---WI weather is grand. Another whopper on the way, or so they say!