Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Wall, Part 2

A continuation of the wall saga...

      Right-  a recap on how they mix cement...
just pour the mix from the bag in a pile on the road, add water, & mix with a shovel to the right consistency, and then take shovelfuls to the site, (or fill a pail & take to the site) and trowel on...

see Casa Mariposa, up the hill, to right.
owned & built by a Madison couple, just here
visiting with their young daughter. 

Below, looking through the entrada toward the casa. The porton (or gate) will be to the left.
Both are not yet decided, or selected, even though we've looked at many examples around the island. Too many choices, not enough $ for now....

 a good view here of the forms used
   plus you can see they added a layer, for 7 blocks, after some indecisiveness on our part...

This is showing that top line, where they make a ridge across the top of the last row of blocks.

This is added after the posts are poured. see the forms for a post at left, and then the top form, filled with concrete, between two posts.
This will be the 'entrada' or the entrance.

and here is the porton....     the ground is very rocky, coral.  not much soil or subsoil...
and everything has high salt content.  Only quite tolerant plants will grow in it.

And luckily, palms are some of the plants, and here again is a lineup of the palms we found on sale, as a fundraiser, at the Little Yellow Schoolhouse.
Happy to help them out.

And then, loading up those palms, requiring several trips back and forth. 

And just another lovely sunset, from the other side of the island.
But a glimpse of how looking at anything through palm trees
is always nice...   and hoping ours grow and soften the view of the wall.

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