Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Punta Sur coast

Morning walks along the South Point, Punta Sur
Remind me of Maine,  especially Acadia Park, Maine...where I used to walk many years ago, when we lived in Winter Harbor, Maine.      Winter could a place be so different from here,
and still have so much in common?     a rocky coast, tides, gorgeous water... different latitudes...

and then there's the bay side; it's always a Q of which is the better view....
my son says looking toward Cancun, you know you're on an island.

But I'm liking more and more the feel of the open sea, and my memories of Maine...


Ann said...

I've spent alot of time on the Maine coast & never made the comparison, but it is an apt one! I love the coast of Maine & Isla. I went to college in Maine--inland
( Farmington) but have travelled from Kittery to Lubec on the coast!
Beautiful photos!

krisla said...

Hi Ann--so nice to have someone familiar with the Maine coast...we just always loved it...lived in Winter Harbor, & walked around Grindstone & Acadia Park a lot--always thought we might move there. Miss the dramatic tides of Maine, & lobsters & clams, but find enough here to love. Glad you enjoyed the photos...-kris