Saturday, April 9, 2011


Well, ok, not Godzilla.....IGUANA

If you thought that the installation at Punta Sur of the Goddess Ixchel was a bit much
what do you think of this?
          again...what is it with having to super-size these structures?

the sign says:   Iguana (reptile)

Icon of the region which are the native species most representative of the region and live to reach 15 years.

I still like the old sign
(which is still there  :)

            way off to the side

and the real thing!
you can barely see that little guy below on the rocks

           I know I have, and can get, some better real iguana pics

so I'll work on that.

but no matter what,
they're going to be overshadowed

by this guy...
I so had liked the way Punta Sur overlook was coming together
with the nice structure...the 'energy' of the easternmost point of Mexico
showcased under this nice sructure with a compass rose or star embedded into the walkway in center

I'm not sure the new installations add anything though    in fact, rather the opposite
so, I just have to lump it together with the 'sculpture garden' things scattered throughout
the natural beauty and awesome landscape which needed no embellishment

As a neighbor and longtime resident here said,
after Wilma they all went down and secretly hoped that category 5 hurricane had swept away the recently installed sculptures....
                         no such luck

1 comment:

Life's a Beach! said...

Nature definitely couldn't destroy the havoc wreaked by man at Punta Sur. HA! I like what's been done in town because the painted murals help to pull that bad zocalo remodel together and add color to areas along the malecon. And the sculptures are more tasteful. Punta Sur? Not so much. HA!