Tuesday, April 5, 2011

school things are wearing us out

well, the 'WALL'  has been on ongoing project, and though it 'bookends' our stay here, as the one thing that began soon after we arrived, and is still continuing, and will be until we go...  more on that later...
But, we also are dealing with a 3 year old, since Feb. 13, 7 weeks now.   And while it's going well overall, it's times like this last weekend that make us think twice...

    twice..yes....we went through child-rearing once, and one of the most trying parts of that, is dealing with the stuff that happens around school.   All well & good, & being teachers too, of course, we're totally supportive of that, and one reason 'Chiquitita' is here is to be immersed in a Spanish speaking school environment for a short time.
 But, when it comes to attending all the practice sessions, getting her there on time, and sitting throughout everyone's rehearsal for the upcoming spring play, (after a normal school day for her) we are realizing our limits and hers.   Plus, I'm tutoring her teacher in English, after school....

But, it's all good, so we're trying to be good sports, and the end product, Sun. eve, was worth it.

to right, before practice.....
'NP'  was showcased... in a hanging heart...
I think it was for 'Nueva Primavera' new spring...
we were trying to figure this whole thing  out...

the best part, Friday evening, was the selection of the girl with the best 'recycled' outfit/dress (I'm assuming boys could have also entered, but none did; only girls. Thankfully, preschoolers didn't have to participate in the end, since I was really worrying about what I could come up with...)     wish I had pics of this, and will work more at finding them....
super creative entries, and so much fun watching the girls model them....    but to the end product...

Sun eve, final performance night.
The kids in 'Pre-Escolar' ended with their Chinese dancing skit. (Sofi,left)
(after doing a jungle animal dance, and one in swimsuits...goggles, for 'We All Live in a Yellow Submarine'
as their earlier on-stage dance skits...

We did realize that Chiquitita will have to have dance lessons if she is going to compete, or even mix, with this crowd.
These little kids can really dance....she, alas, cannot...
well, something to work on....    (Wish Evie were here now!  :)
The room was dark (the final night was at Playa Lancheros) & there was a famous guest conductor from Mexico City. The music part of the program was really good, and all credit goes to the music teacher at Franciso Hernandez de Cordoba School here on Isla. In fact, it seems they have been invited to perform in June at Xcaret Park...wow.  I'd love to be there to see them....

We took some video which I'd hoped to post, but being new at this, & working w/a Mac, I can't seem to upload it....  ! Ay, Caramba !

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