Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December already ?

I'll post some pics of post-Thanksgiving cookie making with the and life & love.  Learning & creativity. Good times.

Even though Thanksgiving was early, and we had more month left afterward, it seems December is
whizzing along...and I'm not ready!   It's just too stressful to think of everything that needs to get done...and frankly, I'm starting to feel like a grinch.  I'm just not into the happy holidays anymore...including the gift giving, the shopping, the wrapping, the 'festivities' or whatever... I can see why some people suffer depression at this time of's hard to get up for all that! 

I guess I do like the natural things...the woods, food, making cookies, even making a wreath, which I used to do a lot, and still make fresh wreaths for graves, and doors. But, not as many as I used to...

The cold weather, the dark days with sunset coming now before 4:30...what's to like about that?
I'm dreaming of Isla...and I even blame Isla.   Isla has ruined me in so many ways... ruined me for any other water...for any other beach...for winter here....and not only me, but Mr. S even more so.
It's tough;  there is guilt.  Being a lapsed Catholic, I'm familiar with that. And now it just seems compounded...
well, there is the end of the Mayan calendar coming... OR...the 'fiscal cliff' --take your pick!


Life's a Beach! said...

I think we have better chances of making it with the Mayan calendar than the fiscal cliff! LOL Your granddaughters are so adorable! It's great that you're passing Christmas traditions on with them!

Janet said...

I feel exactly the same way this Christmas, just not in the mood, dreaming of Isla, and feeling guilty for thinking of the island when the family is here! Just get through the winter and hope spring break comes quickly. Thanks for the post!

krisla said...

Yes, Beck...I think I can handle the Mayan calendar just fine, & no worries there... and, it's always fun to do cooking & baking with kids, esp. one's own grandkids.

Janet, it's really hitting me hard this year, esp. since we will prob. head to Isla before long, and need to be making multiple plans...and I'm tired of multitasking...which one doesn't have to do much of on Isla!

Enjoy the holidays everyone!